The Formation

It has been a busy first few weeks since Refract Theatre Company formed. After initial meetings to decide on what we would like to do and what roles we would like to take on within the company we began the rehearsal process. I have taken on the roles of Stage Manager and Assistant Director, with the latter in a more advisory capacity in addition to deputising for Laura in any rehearsals she is unable to make. The expected jobs of the stage manager include “provid[ing] and furnish[ing] rehearsal space … oversee[ing]  the rehearsal process … [and] run[ning] the technical rehearsal in liaison with the director” (Pallin, 2010, 16).  I will also be compiling blocking, lighting, sound and props notes as well as “cue[ing the] show during the technical rehearsal, dresses and the run” (Pallin, 2010, 16), jobs which would usually be carried out by the Deputy Stage Manager (DSM). I will also be forming a weekly rehearsal video to give you an insight into our devising process (see week 1 below).

Having chosen to devise our own work, as opposed to putting on an existing play, the rehearsals so far have included a lot of experimentation with style, genre and structure. We are looking to explore the story behind both famous and personal images and present them in an alternative light. There has been a lot of good material generated in rehearsals, the challenge now is to find a through-line to fit the fragments of work into a story that is both representative of the company ethos and entertaining and engaging for its audience.

Works Cited:

Pallin, G. (2010) Stage Management: The Essential Handbook. London: Nick Hern Books.

Refract TC Week 1 Rehearsals

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