Finding new stories behind old pictures

In an initial workshop led by Laura and Anthony, we explored different interpretations of existing iconic photographs and pieces of artwork. This workshop was a significant moment for me and I think the entire group as it was a where everything clicked and we understood what we wanted to create.

In the workshop we were split into 2 groups and each given a photograph and had to create a new story. I was given the haunting photo of the two people falling out of the twin towers. Once we had created and developed these new characters we then created a performance that incorporated the new character and used the picture as a stimulus.

This workshop was a crucial point in the process so far as it conveyed how a photo has a pre-conceived story but new meanings can be created that are just as powerful than the original. ‘Devised theatre is concerned with collective creation of art’ (Oddey, 1996, 4). This left us wondering if the original interpretation is necessarily the truth, this is what we anticipate to explore further.


Oddey, A. 1996 Devising Theatre: A Practical and Theoretical Handbook. Routledge: London.

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