So Refract pretty much went for it with triple effort and got an amazing response, our peers pointed out things that we didn’t realise we were doing such as the heavy breathing during 9/11 and various facial expressions during different moments. They were also able to advise us on areas that could become more clear, but overall they understood the images and ideas that we were trying to portray.
Having this work in progress made it clear that we were creating something that was going in the right direction and something that stuck with the aim of what our theatre company was about. As this confirmed that the work we had created was going to be a keeper, we were then able to start thinking of the through line that was going to put our piece together.
This is Billy and Dolly.

Work In Progress Two!
It has been a few weeks since our last work in progress but a lot has happened in a few weeks and we could not wait to show Forefront Theatre Company what we had put together as well as getting some feedback to work into our piece. We had created the majority of the scenes for the piece and connected each scene with the story of Billy and Dolly. The idea of Billy and Dolly came from the images of the couple who take a photo in the same place every season and by the last image the man is stood by himself.

I liked the fact that there are these images of this elderly couple taken every season but the back story to this couple could be anything! As a company we were able to use this couple in all of the scenes as if they could have possibly been around and part of the events we were portraying. This through line laced all of our scenes together to give our work the flow it needed.
The feedback given by Forefront was excellent once again, they loved how we had connected the scenes with Billy and Dolly and were really helpful when advising on scenes that still didn’t seem clear in the story. We had finally created a whole piece (apart from a scene or two) and the next step was to give it the flow it needed with transitions as well as tightening and polishing the stuff we have. Overall at this stage, Refract is feeling professional and successful with their overall creation.
Crowe, P (2015)
Elderly Couple One (2014) [online]
Elderly Couple Two (2014) [online]
Elderly Couple Three (2014) [online]